The screening of the film Deep in Our Hearts We Feel It will take place on October 18, 2019 at the Institute for Ethnic Studies in Ljubljana
You are invited to the screening of the film Deep in Our Hearts We Feel It, which will take place on October 18, 2019, at 10 am, at the Institute for Ethnic Studies in Ljubljana. The screening is followed by a conversation with the author of the film, dr. Anja Moric, led by dr. Janez Pirc.
Cultural Heritage and Landscape: Preservation, Restoration, Revitalization – Possibilities and Opportunities
Cultural Heritage and Landscape: Preservation, Restoration, Revitalization – Possibilities and Opportunities The Putscherle Institute, in cooperation with Slovenian Ethnological Society and the Department of Ethnology and Cultural Anthropology of the Faculty of Arts of the University of Ljubljana, is preparing a professional-scientific conference. We will talk about cultural heritage and landscape and look for possibilities for their preservation and revitalization in the Kočevje region. You are cordially invited to join…
Deep In Our Heart We Feel It at the Semič Cultural Center, on February 3, 2019, at 4 p.m.
Lecture on Mobility in Gottschee region: “It’s better to ride poorly, than to walk as a dandy”
On the Municipality of Kočevje holiday, in the Kočevje Library, the Putscherle Institute and the Sopotniki Institute represent mobility in Kočevje.
“Spring will come,” the article about the film Deep in Our Hearts we Feel it in Delo newspaper
You can read the article about the film Deep in our Hearts We Feel It, written by Simona Fajfar, and published in the Delo newspaper at the link:
Premiere of the film about Gottscheers Deep in our hearts we feel it
Wednesday, 5 September 2018, at 6 pm at Kulturni center Kočevje.
An article about the Putscherle Institute in Živa – supplement to Dolenjski list
An article about the Putscherle Institute was published in Živa – a supplement to Dolenjski list. Written by Mojca Leskovšek-Svete.
Regional newspaper about the exhibition opening
O otvoritvi razstave v Dolenjskem listu 🙂 Regional newspaper about the exhibition opening 🙂 See the photos! We had a great time and a lot of visitors. 🙂 Posted by Zavod Putscherle / The Putscherle Institute on Monday, November 21, 2016
Photos of the exhibition Showcases of Memory
The exhibition about the past and present inhabitants of our beautiful Kočevska (Gottschee) region. We had a great time at the opening ceremony on the 18th of November. Attendence at the ceremony was large (about 100 people joined us, which is a success!!). 🙂 For those who were not able to attend the opening ceremony and for those living too far away to come and see the exhibition here is…