Deep in Our Heart We Feel It

Deep in Our Heart We Feel It

Genre: Ethnographic Film
Directed, written, edited by: dr. Anja Moric
DVD Publisher: Putscherle Institute
Languages: Slovenian, German, English, Gottscheer dialect
Subtitles: Slovenian, English, German
Length: 76 minutes
Year: 2018

Ethnographic film by dr. Anja Moric realistically portrays the lives of today’s Gottscheers and Gottscheer communities through their own eyes. It is a story about people who left their homeland Gottschee during the Second World War, but it remained deep in their hearts. The film is based on stories and memories as told by people who live and feel these stories every day. The author shot the film for two years and during that time she visited the Gottscheer communities in Slovenia, Austria, the USA and Canada several times.