Otvoritev prenovljene SVINJSKE KUHINJE
Otvoritev prenovljenega objekta “svinjska kuhinja” Otvoritev prenovljenega objekta “svinjska kuhinja”, ki sodi v sklop gospodarskih objektov župnije Stara Cerkev, bo 13. oktobra, ob 12. uri, za župniščem v Stari Cerkvi. V objektu je urejena manjša etnološka zbirka. Objekt bo otvoril: dr. Vladimir Prebilič, župan Občine Kočevje. Častni gost: mag. Stanko Baluh, direktor Urada Vlade Republike Slovenije za narodnosti Organizator in vodja obnove: Zavod Putscherle v sodelovanju z Župnijo Stara Cerkev. Izvajalec…
Virtual reality in Kočevje
As part of the Life in the Sylvan Embrace project, we have set up a space at Putscherle Institute where you can get to know life in the Kočevje region before the Second World War in a slightly different way – through virtual reality ⛪🏠🐎. In Kočevje Tourist Association you can meet wild animals directly from the comfort of their premises 🦝🐻🐗. To visit Putscherle Institute, please register in advance…
KočevArt: Exhibition of works by artists from Kočevje (Gottschee)
You are cordially invited to the Kočevje Library, on Thursday, September 26, 2019, at 7 pm, for the opening of the exhibition of works by artists from Kočevje – KočevArt. The event will take place within the 5th Days of Gottscheer Culture.
The exhibition “Not everyone is cut out for beekeeping”on Kostel Castle
You can see the exhibition about beekeeping in the Kočevje region "Not everyone is cut out for beekeeping" from 6.9.2019 to 31.10.2019 on Kostel Castle. Visitors Welcome!
Exhibition on Beekeeping in Gottschee: “Not everyone is cut out for beekeeping.”
Exhibition on Beekeeping in Gottschee: “Not everyone is cut out for beekeeping.” On display at the Dolenjske Toplice Cultural Center until February 2019.
Kleine Zeitung about Showcases of Memory
The Showcases of memory presented in the Carinthian regional archives in Klagenfurt Austria
Showcases of Memory is hosted by the Carinthian Regional Archives from 15 May to 2 July 2018. Vitrinen_Gottschee_Ausstellung_KLA
Opening of the exhibition Showcases of Memory at the Posavje Museum Brežice
Showcases of Memory in Dolenjske Toplice, opening on May 29, 2017
Showcases of Memory
Showcases of Memory is an exhibition about the present-day and former inhabitants of the Gottschee region, retelling a story about the people who one way or other identify with this locale. The exhibited items were selected and loaned by the inhabitants of the Gottschee region (Slovenians and Gottscheers), as well as Gottscheers from the USA, Canada, and Austria. 21 people contributed a total of 22 items, which tell a story…