Mnenje Lele Angele Mršek Bajda (Lele B. Njatin) o naših otroških knjigah
V drugi številki znanstvene revije Jezik in slovstvo je izšla recenzija otroških knjig izpod peresa Lele Angele Mršek Bajda (Lele B. Njatin). Ocenila je knjige Anje Moric (avtorica) in Barbare Koblar (ilustratorka): Polšji možic: zgodba iz kočevskih gozdov, Kako je volkec Vilko postal junak Vilko Klepec in Mikulov vrag: vragolije iz Kostela. Recenzija je dostopna tukaj. Odlomek iz recenzije: “Knjige Vilko Klepec, Mikulov vrag in Polšji možic bralca prepričajo, da…
The Pillichmandle: presentation of the German edition at the Slovenska čitalnica (Slovenian Reading Room) in Graz
The Pillichmandle: presentation of the German edition at the Slovenska čitalnica (Slovenian Reading Room) in Graz On 16 March, the Slovenian Reading Room in Graz hosted the presentation of Anja Moric’s book Polšji možic (The Pillichmandle). Co-published by the Putscherle Institute and the Cultural Association Article 7 for the Austrian Styria – Pavlova hiša, the book was also published in German translation as Das Pilichmandl in December 2022. It was…
The Pillichmandle: book presentation in Občinska knjižnica Prebold
The Pillichmandle: book presentation in Občinska knjižnica Prebold On Thursday, 8 December 2022, we presented the books of the Putscherle Institute at the Prebold Municipal Library, with a focus on the picture book The Pillichmandle, a story from the forests of Kočevje. The evening was held in cooperation with the Ethnological Society “Srečno” from Griže. The evening was enlivened by the musical ensembles Ubrane strune and Zabukovčani. You can read…
VABILO: O pripovedih Kočevja, Kostela in Osilnice – 16. 9. 2022, ob 18h v OŠ Stara Cerkev; 8. Dnevi kočevarske kulture
Vabljeni na pogovorni večer o pripovedih Kočevja, Kostela in Osilnice – 16. 9. 2022, ob 18h v OŠ Stara Cerkev V okviru 8. Dnevov kočevarske kulture, ki letos potekajo v Kočevju, bo Zavod Putscherle na OŠ Stara Cerkev izvedel 2 dogodka. Ob 10h sta dr. Anja Moric in Barbara Koblar za 4. razred pripravili kreativno delavnico, na kateri bodo učenci spoznali kranjsko čebelo, načine čebelarjenja in pomembnega kočevskega čebelarja Jurija…
Three children’s books were published, thematically dealing with Kočevje, Kostel and Osilnica and the narrative heritage of these areas: Pilichmandle: A Story from the Kočevje Forests, Mikul’s devil: Devilry in Kostel, and How the Little Wolf Vilko Became the Hero Vilko Klepec. The books were created as part of the Heroes of Mysterious Forests project. Author: Anja Moric Illustrations: Barbara Koblar Published by: Putscherle Institute Year of publication: 2021
Children’s picture book: The beekeeping ideas of Jurij Jonke
A childrens’ book about the ingenious beekeeper Jurij Jonke, who saved the town of Kočevje/Gottschee and taught people how to keep bees. The book is suitable for elementary school children. It is richly illustrated and contains information for parents and teachers. Author: Anja Moric Illustrations by: Barbara Koblar Published by: The Putscherle Institute Pages: 40 Language: Slovenian Price: 19.90 €, free delivery is available between Kočevje and Ljubljana. Orders are…